Tag: mrsavljenje
Lose your visceral fat
There isn’t one of us that wouldn’t love to enjoy food and drinks without consequences. Usually when we spot our ‘’love handles’’ and ‘’beer bellies’’, we know we overindulged. Smacked by reality, we start with countless pushups, often to no avail. The only way to […]
Gde odlaze izgubljeni kilogrami? Kako se mast sagoreva?
Kada imamo problem sa viškom kilograma, jedino što nas zanima je da nestanu, i to ako je moguće brzinom svetlosti. Činjenica je, da je lakše nagomilati kilograme, skoro pa ne primetno, nego li ih smanjiti. Izdahni višak kilograma Novije studije razotkrivaju zablude u koje verujemo. […]
Brisk walking for health and figure
Only 30 minutes a day of brisk walking will drastically improve your health, spur a weight loss and help prevent high blood pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. It is an easy exercise that still requires a certain technique to burn the fat. Good posture here […]
Weight loss and science
After you recognize your body weight is excessive, it is time for eating habits regime change and start of physical exercise. You heard many times of magic diets and easy exercise that bring wonders. Somehow, that happens to someone else.. When instructions and advices coming […]